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Quality Over Convenience: Professional Flooring Installation Services

Friday, November 10, 2023

Man installing floor

The flooring in your home can make or break any room and completely transform a space. If you're examining the floor and considering a replacement, your instincts might be correct.

The next question is, how are you going to renovate your floors? A DIY floor renovation project might seem the most cost-efficient way to get your new flooring. Learning a new skill and putting a labor of love into your home is satisfying. On the other hand, the mistakes can cost you time and money when you misjudge the challenges that a project like this can present.

Professional flooring installation services exist to be your flooring solution. They help you avoid the pitfalls of DIY flooring projects. Let's look at a few of these.

The Pitfalls of DIY Flooring Projects

A DIY installation project might seem fun and exciting, but it’s often stressful and confusing. Without the proper experience it may seem more trouble than it's worth. DIY projects are prone to error without the knowledge required to care for your floors, meaning you might not be happy with the results.

Improperly installing hardwood flooring boards can cause them to warp or become damaged, eventually requiring replacement. This is an expensive but common DIY mishap with lack of expertise. Certain types of flooring require proper acclimation to the room’s temperature and humidity before installation. By skipping this step, the likelihood of gaps or buckling are a result of expansion and contracting.

Another common error is the use of incorrect tools or incorrect measurements or cuts. Resulting in damaging the flooring material. This can lead to costly waste and the need to go out and purchase additional materials.

Ultimately, it’s important to understand that not all flooring projects are simple. For example, refinishing hardwood floors is a complex process requiring knowledge and expertise. You need to know how to gauge the wood to determine how deep the sanding needs to be to remove imperfections. You can only refinish wood so many times before you reach the tongue and grove or nail line, the point of no return.

Different types of wood flooring have different characteristics affecting the refinishing process. Some types of wood like maple or birch are more difficult to sand and stain because they are harder and less porous than oak or pine. You need a specific, knowledgeable approach for each type of wood.

Maple flooring

Why Professional Flooring Installation Services Matter

An experienced flooring team is essential to loving your new floors. But what are the specific advantages of hiring a professional flooring service instead of choosing a DIY solution?

Professional Installation Saves You Money

Now, in all honesty, a DIY project with no mistakes, can be cheaper than hiring a professional service team. However, that’s rarely how these projects go.

Making a set of cuts at the incorrect length is an easy problem to run into. Unfortunately, leading to purchasing excessive additional material. The process of removing your old flooring is fraught with risks like damaging the walls, baseboard, or subfloor in your home. Damaging your subfloor is an expensive problem often requiring professional assistance to properly repair and represents a safety hazard.

Professional flooring installation services have the experience and knowledge to ensure a seamless installation in one round. These teams have a low likelihood of mistakes and can complete the work in a timely manner. More importantly, they have the necessary tools, which are often expensive to rent or buy for DIY projects.

Flooring Professionals Can Save You Time

Another reason it’s always best to choose a flooring professional is the time-saving benefits these services provide. Because of their knowledge and experience, professional flooring installation services can get the job done promptly.

Time is money and this could easily not work in your favor financially. The process of figuring out each step of the process requires research, advice, and general knowledge. As the time accumulates, it can take quite a while. Then, you have to account for the time consumed by adjustments or errors that inevitably arise.

Removing any concerns about the quality of your flooring and project completion when you choose a qualified candidate.

Professional Services Provide More Protection

While experienced flooring teams are safer for avoiding accidents, this does not exclude them from the possibility. Qualified and legitimate companies require legal documentation of services to ensure the necessary liabilities between homeowner and contractor. These services provide warranties and guarantees to ensure that your floors are secure no matter what happens.

Their general liability insurance financially protects you as a homeowner. This prevents you paying for any damage or injuries that may occur as a result of the flooring project. This guarantee can go a long way in saving you money on expensive repairs from unforeseen issues or accidents.

How to Choose the Right Professional Flooring Installation Service

Floor installation

The endless advantages of hiring a professional service for all your flooring ideas, starts with quality and background checks. Your flooring will only be as high-quality as the experienced team you choose to get the project done. Selecting the right flooring installation service can make or break how successful your upcoming flooring project is.

So, how do you choose the right provider for your flooring needs? Here are a few ways:

  • Always do your research. When hiring a professional, look for customer reviews, photos of completed flooring projects, and word-of-mouth recommendations. If you take the time to look, the right service will have plenty of evidence to back up its validity.
  • Consider the base of costs. While an experienced flooring service can be worth the extra money, pay attention to the different prices between providers. If one service is significantly more expensive than the others, review their skill sets and if it aligns with your project goals. That way, the value will equal the costs of the service.
  • Pay attention to communication and company culture. The right flooring service will make a concerted effort to promptly communicate with the customer. They prioritize and answer all questions regarding your job description, flooring options, and pricing. Seek a service that makes you feel confident and valued.
  • Look for additional services. The best flooring providers will go above and beyond as part of their business experience. This includes offering unique products, consultation services, and more to keep your experience enjoyable and accessible.

Get Flooring Installation From Bridgeport Carpets

For flooring projects, a DIY project may not be the best use of your time and labor. Bridgeport Carpets ensure your floors are of the highest quality and done with care. We value the importance of client relations by providing excellent customer service alongside detailed craftsmanship.

Bridgeport Carpets is a team you can trust to get the job done with floors you’ll love. Contact us today to get a free estimate for your next flooring project!